

2022-02-02 高三年級英語作文



  “Mindless habitual behavior is the enemy of innovation. ” I assume that you are familiar with Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s famous remark. It is obvious that a man who always stick to habit and experience can hardly create new things .

  Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s remark aims at informing us of the significance of innovation. Why does innovation play an indispensable role in our life ? innovation can promote the advancement of both individuals and society as a whole. only those who are innovative can make continuous progress and maintain a competitive edge. Quite a few examples can be given to prove the importance of A, and I can think of no better illustration than the following one: how could Steve Jobs, a genius who changed the way of modern communication, recreation and even our life, launch so many powerful electronic products constantly without creative spirit?

  We should always bear in mind that the consciousness of innovation is of great significance to us all. Hence, we need to develop a habit of discovering new things,using new methods and applying new thoughts in our work, study or simply everyday life. “Innovation is the spirit of human being’s progress.” A philosopher once said.


  “Mindless habitual behavior is the enemy of innovation. ” I assume that you are familiar with Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s famous remark. It is obvious that a man who always stick to habit and experience can hardly create new things .

  Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s remark aims at informing us of the significance of innovation. Why does innovation play an indispensable role in our life ? innovation can promote the advancement of both individuals and society as a whole. only those who are innovative can make continuous progress and maintain a competitive edge. Quite a few examples can be given to prove the importance of A, and I can think of no better illustration than the following one: how could Steve Jobs, a genius who changed the way of modern communication, recreation and even our life, launch so many powerful electronic products constantly without creative spirit?

  We should always bear in mind that the consciousness of innovation is of great significance to us all. Hence, we need to develop a habit of discovering new things,using new methods and applying new thoughts in our work, study or simply everyday life. “Innovation is the spirit of human being’s progress.” A philosopher once said.











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