

2021-09-30 創(chuàng)新

  with the economic globalization becoming increasingly intensive, invention or innovation has become one of central topic around the world. many countries see it as the key to develop their economy. our government, with no eception, regard it as the soul of our nation.

  what, however, can we benefit from it? first of all, invention or innovation can enhance overall national economy, which is important to heighten our nation status in the world. additionally, if factories have the abilities in invention, the factories will be booming. as a result, they can provide our people with more jobs and it will make our nation more stable. what is more, a majority of new products may be avaible through invention. therefore, it is also significant factor for improving our living standards. owing to such benefits, no wonder more and more countries focus on invention today.

  recognizing its importance is only the fist step to advocate invetion or innovation, and some effective measures should be taken for it. for one thing, our authority should continue to enlarge the recruit of graduate. for another, the conditions of scientists and skilled workers should be further improved. only in this way, can the soul of our nation be fully embodied and our nation have a brighter future.











南汇区| 古交市| 淄博市| 寻甸| 合作市| 沾化县| 海安县| 成都市| 江川县| 海南省| 乐亭县| 合肥市| 阳朔县| 鄂温| 武川县| 沅江市| 庆安县| 平度市| 阿克陶县| 龙胜| 盐池县| 叶城县| 河南省| 陆丰市| 无棣县| 布尔津县| 黄山市| 临海市| 饶河县| 微博| 咸阳市| 彭山县| 广东省| 东辽县| 嘉峪关市| 合阳县| 河曲县| 洛隆县| 黎川县| 马边| 丹江口市|