


  you have to borrow books from the library when you are studying at a college. finding a book in the library is not difficult if you know both the author's name and the title of the book. you can simply go to the author catalogue, which is alphabetically arranged. you will find a card with the author's name, the title of the book, and the shelf mark, which tells where the book is kept in the library. you should then go to the appropriate shelf, take the book, and borrow it at the issue desk.

  if you do not know the author, but only the title, check to see if the library has a title catalogue. if it has, check it in the same way as you did with the author catalogue. if there is no title catalogue, then it should have a subject catalogue. you will have to check all the cards in the subject catalogue until you find the one you are looking for. the card with the title on it will also have a shelf mark, and then you can proceed as mentioned before.

  if the book is not to be found where it should be kept, it may have been checked out. in that case, you can go to the circulation desk and reserve it.











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