

2020-12-21 推薦信


  Graduate School of International Studies Korea University

  Anam-Dong, Sungbuk-ku Seoul, 136-701, KOREA Tel: (82-2) 3290-1391 Fax: (82-2) 929-0402 Email: gsis@korea.ac.kr

  Please type or print

  Applicant: After completing this section, put this form in an envelope and give it to the person writing your recommendation. When that person returns this form to you, enclosed in a sealed envelope, include it with the other application material. Photocopies of this form may be used.

  Applicant's name:  Mr. Ms. √ Recommender's name and position:

  & professor,

  Vice-president, the Faculty of Asian Languages and Cultures, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangdong

  Institute or agency and address:

  ` nameQuan Yong Genposition  Doctor

  Do you agree to waive the right to see the contents of this information after you are admitted to the Graduate School of International Studies?

  √ Yes, I agree to waive the right to see the contents of this recommendation.

  No, I will not waive the right to see the contents of this recommendation.


  Recommender: The Graduate School of International Studies would appreciate it if you will write to the best of your knowledge about the applicant, describing his/her weaknesses as well as merits. This recommendation will remain confidential during the admission process, and will be used by the GSIS only in its decision-making procedures related to admission and financial aid. After completing this form, please place it in a sealed envelope and return it to the applicant.

  1. How long, and in what capacity have you known the applicant?

  2. Please comment on the applicant's strengths and weaknesses.

  3. Please describe some activities or programs in which the applicant was involved, which illustrate  his/her abilities.

  4. Please rate the applicant in the areas indicated below.

  In these ratings I have compared the applicant with:

  5. Please comment on anything which concerns the applicant's ability to complete the program at the Graduate School of International Studies and fulfill his/her career objectives.

  Miss Chen is an intelligent, motivated and industrious individual. Teaching and advising her has

  Signature: Date:

  Name: Position:




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