

2021-09-27 助人

  i once read a story about a person who was put into prison for his bad behavior. after serving his time in prison, he returned home.“how can you have the face to come home, go away!”his angry father shouted at him. two months later, he was put into prison again for stealing.

  i also read a story about a different person in the same situation, but when he returned to his village, no one looked down upon him, and people helped him find a job to make a living. five years later, he became a millionaire②and contributed to the building of a school in his hometown.different attitudes produce different results.

  generally speaking, after reeducation③ most people have learnt their lessons and find a legal④ way to support themselves through honest labour. when returning to society, only a few returned to their old ways. but even though the number of the ex-felons⑤ who return to a life of crime is below 8 per cent, we should understand that these repeated offences are much worse than first offences.

  the task of guiding these people is a job that belongs not only to the persons themselves and their families, but is a task the whole society should confront⑥.












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