According to Chinese holiday plan,根據中國的節(jié)假日安排,
on the seventh day of the New Year,在新年的第七天,
people need to go to work,人們需要上班,
so on the sixth day,因此在第六天,
it means a lot of people will go back to the place they work.這意味著很多人會返回到他們工作的地方。
As Chinese economy develops so fast,隨著中國經濟的快速發(fā)展,
more and more people own private cars,越來越多的人擁有私家車,
they like to drive home.人們喜歡開車回家。
What’s more, the highway is free in the certain time,而且,在一定的時間內,高速路是免費的,
which means there will be more people choose to drive their cars.這意味著會有更多的人選擇開車回家。
The truth is that traffic jams happened,事實上,交通堵塞真的發(fā)生了,
my sister witnessed it,我的姐姐就目睹了這一切,
she drove home yesterday,她昨天開車回家,
it took her almost a day to reach her working city.花費了幾乎一天的時間才回到她上班的地方。
How terrible it is,真是恐怖啊,
she said she would never drove home on the holiday.她說她在節(jié)假日再也不開車回家了。