



  This morning was very comfortable.The sun was shining so I took a walk in the park.The wind blowed softly and the air was so fresh.I stayed for a while in the park to enjoy such a wonderful morning.

  But in the afternoon it started to rain so hard.The wind also blowed hard it made the window sounds scary.But the lightning and the thunder are ever scarier.I looked outside of the window and saw the trees and the flowers were all shaking.It rained about two hours and I could only stayed at home.After the afternoon thundershower the air became cooler and moister.My mum said I couldn't go outside because it was wet.

  I really don't like raining days because it makes everything wet and I can't go playing outside.I like sunny days better so I hope it won't rain tomorrow.I hope it will be a warm,comfortable and sunny day.


  Today is a rainy day and it’s cold with the temperature of 5℃. There are only a few people on the street and they all wear thick down coats and boots. They walk quickly and seem to go somewhere to escape from cold.

  It has been cold for a very long time and this winter is colder than ever, but I like it very much because I was born in winter. Besides, in my oppion, only the coldness makes a real winter.





  A Rainy Daythe weather was so bad today as well as my mood.i failed in my test and was scolded by my teacher.i was so upset because i had try my best and spent a lot of time doing exercise.to make things worse,it started to rain when the class is over.i stared at the gray sky,wondering whether i should to run in the rain.suddenly, someone patted my shoulder.i turned back immediately and find it was my best friend.saying nothing,he give me his umbrella with a smile.i felt so moved and warm

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