

2022-02-01 英語作文

  Stress in Modern Life

  As everyone knows, stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. As the pace of modern life continues to increase, we are always feeling on the go from morning till night. And it is hard to slow down. It seems to us that everyone around us is aggressive. Therefore, whatever one does, he feels under stress all the time. It is clear that stress has much to do with the life in a competitive society.

  Different people, however, think of stress quite differently. Some believe that stress is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be. They are of the opinion that a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and to give purpose to life. Others argue that stress contributes to one’s mental decline and hence endangers his health. According to them, relaxation, the opposite of stress, is essential for a healthy mind and body.

  Personally, I’m in favor of the former view. I think it is impossible to avoid stress when one is entirely devoted to the career he pursues. In my opinion, it is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.

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