

2021-09-28 煙花


  opinions on whether fireworks should be banned or not vary from person to person. some are in favor of the idea of setting off fireworks, because they think it can bring good luck to the special days, especially to the coming new year. if fireworks are banned, there is no cracking sound to add to the happy atmosphere.

  others consider it harmful to set off fireworks. they say that fireworks cause many casualties and fire accidents. they also say that the ground is littered with pieces of papers and the air is filled with smoke. in a sense, it is another kind of pollution.

  personally, i amon the side of the latter argument. i think the safety of human life and property is more important than the enjoyment of setting off fireworks. moreover, we can find other kinds of enjoyment which might be safer and more meaningful to observe the special occasion and the coming new year.









8. 減少燃放煙花爆竹大學英語作文

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