

2022-02-03 欣賞

  The computers are widely used in education and some people think that teachers do not play an important role in the classroom.

  To what extent do you agree

  Is computer so important in our education?

  The importance of computers continues to increase in schools. Some people think that teachers will not play an essential role in the classroom in future. But I have some mental reservations on the issue.

  Teachers have long depended on textbooks and other printed materials to assist learning. Now computers have been adapted for classroom use. In a classroom where computers are used extensively, the teacher may no longer be the main source of information. But the teacher may act as a facilitator, guiding and assisting students to locate, interpret, and share information.

  Since computerized instruction can provide teachers with detailed information about each students progress, teachers who use computers may have more time to give extra attention to students who need it.

  What is more important is that teachers skills and attitudes influence everything that happens in their classrooms. During the years that young people spend in school, teachers are among the most important people in their lives. Teachers often help students as much by personal example as they do by offering instruction. Students who see their teachers demonstrate patience, trustworthiness, attention to work, and love of learning may be encouraged to develop similar qualities in themselves. The computer can in no way replace the role of the teacher in these respects.




雅思高分范文:job change08-25







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