Early in the morning, I at home and no one to play with me, my mother go to work. I went to a friend's house to play, can be friends and not at home, I saw a tree outside his door, I look up, there is a woodpecker to cure in the tree. Just, a catapult on the ground, I picked up a slingshot, aim at the woodpecker, when I was about to launch, my friend Xiao Hong came back, he saw, hurriedly run to come over, said: "Xiao Ming, fast down," Xiaoming asks strangely: "why," Alice said: "cure because the woodpecker was helping my family tree, and, the teacher also said that we should protect the animal ah," Xiao Ming said: "red I was wrong, I'll change," Xiao Ming came home, I told my mother I in the red house do, mother said: "Xiao Ming you are really rectifies the lovely children.
We must ask rectifies the good child, Xiao Ming studying.