

2021-10-11 申請書


Dear xx,

  The world is forever growing and evolving, as is the demand for newbuildings and good infrastructure. The pressures of population growth and globalwarming are ever increasing, and civil engineers can help play a major role indesigning more efficient structures, as well as planning projects in developingcountries. I am attracted to me to civil engineering because I like the idea ofhelping to shape the world around me to meet the demands of the future. I hopefor a challenging career which I will find personally rewarding and be able tofeel that I have given something back to the community.

  Academically, science has always been my main interest and is the area inwhich I am most able. I enjoyed biology, in particular learning about humanimpact on the environment. However, during my A levels I realised that myinterests lay deeper in maths and physics. I enjoyed the problem solvinginvolved within my subjects and the way a real life situation could be expressedand manipulated mathematically. What I found particularly interesting wasrelating what had been learnt in the classroom to real life situations, which iswhat gave me more interest in civil engineering - the appeal of a challengingcareer where I would have the opportunity to theoretically solve problems andpractically apply solutions to have a beneficial effect on the world aroundme.

  During my gap year I have had several work experience placements in variousskilled trades such as building and joinery. Through joinery I gained anappreciation of the need for accurate design and construction, as well as aknowledge of the uses of wood as a building material. Though much of thebuilding work I have undertaken was in construction, I found it to be invaluableexperience. For example, whilst helping to build a garage I learnt about theimportance of good design and planning by having to interpret the designs inorder to determine how many bricks would be needed. During its constuction Inoticed how important it was to build accurately, particually at the corners ofthe building which supported most of the weight of the roof. I also discoveredthe importance of keeping costs low, but the quality of work high. We made adifferent type of cement which was cheaper and weaker, but still met the needsfor the inner walls. The most rewarding part of this experience seeing theproject through from a plan on paper to its completion, and the feeling ofsatisfaction once it was completely built.

  I have a passionate interest in music and have been playing guitar forabout 5 years. I have enjoyed my time as a member of a band, which has helped meto work creatively as part of a team. More recently, I have also achieved grade2 in jazz piano. For years I have had a great enthusiasm for skateboarding andin November 20xx began undertaking voluntary work with a group helping to planand design a skateboarding facility in Kings Heath park. We were involved inpreparatory work such as gaining public support and undertaking research atexisting facilities across the UK, as well as its design. From this experience Ilearnt the importance of working as part of a team and meeting deadlines. Also,I gained an understanding of just how much preparation and organisation isneeded, even for a small development.

  By studying civil engineering at university I hope to build on my knowledgeof maths and physics and learn how to apply it to real life situations. Havingenjoyed my time at school I am excited by the prospect of going to universityand learning more about our world around us. I hope for both a challenging anddiverse career where I can help to improve the world for future generations tocome.

  Yours sincerely,











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