

2021-10-26 人物類英語作文


  hello!just call me little monkey,i am a new one here. i graduated from hebei tv university,but i major in nuresing.now,i fond a new job at shijiazhuang that is the capitl of hebei.

  i want to introduce my hospitl to evryone,she is an old hospitl and the first one in shijiazhuang city.thank goodness, i have this chance to know evryone.i like make friends,so if you are free please talking to me.

  i am so sorry to that i have forgot some of the words.bye,i must go home my boyfriend is calling me.

和龙市| 昔阳县| 雅江县| 石门县| 崇阳县| 潞西市| 织金县| 赞皇县| 海伦市| 周宁县| 余庆县| 林西县| 建阳市| 泌阳县| 东莞市| 洛隆县| 怀集县| 浪卡子县| 佛教| 南靖县| 汶上县| 阳江市| 彭水| 昌黎县| 通州区| 都安| 商城县| 上饶市| 奉贤区| 林口县| 牙克石市| 延寿县| 镇远县| 岱山县| 游戏| 乡城县| 四子王旗| 淄博市| 黄龙县| 翼城县| 柳江县|