I remember that I went to my grandmother in the summer vacation. I suddenly found a new garden when I walked over the backyard. Here is a green green. The oil of oil is filled with beautiful pansies, a bush flower like a butterfly that is just like, these "butterflies" are wonderfully "flying" into a colorful "ribbon". Let me see that there is no intention to find a round of my favorite plants in the south - bamboo, I'm happy to run in the past, but I can wait for me to approach me. The bamboo here is all yellow. I am looking for a bamboo bus over and over again - I look for that even a little bit of green bamboo. "God!" I saw it. I saw a completely green bamboo! I really made me dare to believe my eyes, I know that those days are not the sun is a heavy rain. You look at other bamboo, it's still a green. When I entered God, I came to the thunder, and the rain was coming, I had to hurry home, squat on the window, looked at the bamboo in the rain, I saw it right shake it as if and wind an
d rain Do a fight. I am afraid that it will be conquered by the wind and rain, it will be lie on the ground, it will not be stopped ... The rain is finally stopped, I rushed to the downstairs, I saw it ran back, gently swaying in the breeze, as I said to me. The joy of victory after fighting. This bamboo made me understand a truth: difficulty is like a storm, we just seem to be bamboo, only the possibility of survival from the talents walking in difficulties, is the power of life.