
高校敞開大門(Colleges Open Their Doors Wid

2021-11-26 其他類英語作文

  every year numerous students will enter colleges, as is shown in the graph, there was a steady increase in college enrolment from 20xx to 20xx. several factors lead to this steady increase.

  with human resources being the leading contributing factor for future development, higher education is indispensable to economic growth. every year, a great number of students graduate from high schools. to let more young people have the opportunity to enjoy higher education and to train more qualified people to meet the needs of our country, colleges open their doors wider. anyhow, the more talented men we have, the more powerful our country will become. a prosperous china is all we want to see.

  i think college enrolment will keep expanding. we must open the college doors even wider to let in more young people. with more and more people graduating from colleges, the national education will reach a higher level and our country will become more powerful and prosperous.

【高校敞開大門(Colleges Open Their Doors Wider)】相關(guān)文章:

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3.李承鉉《 Open Your Eyes》歌詞

4.《Open Road 在路上》觀后感

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