

2021-08-13 其他類英語作文


  There is no denying the fact that keeping pets is a hotly debated topic today. Some people think keeping pets is a good thing to do. They believe that pets, like cats and dogs, can help relieve the loneliness su粉粉ered by senior citizens and other social members who are confined to their homes for this reason or that. They also argue that keeping pets helps mankind understand animals’ world and develop positive feelings toward them.

  Others, however, hold the opposite view. They regard keeping pets as a useless but harmful thing to do. First, pets can transmit diseases. Secondly, the noises and dung of pets are sources of pollution. Last but not least, as many rare birds and animals are kept as pets, they will surely be hunted on a large scale, which means a threat to the balance of the ecosystem.

  Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments, I am inclined to agree with the latter. Anyway, we can lessen our loneliness and express our love toward animals in other ways. And it is my belief that only by placing man and other species on an equal basis can we expect to have a lively and colorful world.










上一篇:保護動物的英語作文june 23rd sunday sunny 下一篇:使用動物實驗英語作文
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