
初三英語作文:My Home Village_650字英語作文

2021-07-29 其他類英語作文

  在日常生活或是工作學習中,大家都寫過作文吧,通過作文可以把我們那些零零散散的'思想,聚集在一塊。寫起作文來就毫無頭緒?以下是小編幫大家整理的初三英語作文:My Home Village_650字英語作文,歡迎大家借鑒與參考,希望對大家有所幫助。

  My home village is a beautiful village far from the town. There is a clear brook arcs around the village,making the vil]age like a peninsula.

  On one side of the brook,are farmlands stretching as far as the eyes can see with farmers busy in the fields. The sunshines brightly through the pure,fresh air. After dark,I liked to roam around the fields along footpaths. The feeling was excellent.

  On the other side of the brook,there are many trees. There are lots of green bamboo groves. The trees offer nice shade in the summer,and birds like singing in them. The bamboos sway gently in the fresh summer breeze. The brook runs calmly anti quietly through all this greenness,making a very nice picture.

  This is my home village. It is far away in the country,but always with me,wherever I am.

【初三英語作文:My Home Village_650字英語作文】相關文章:

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5.最新初三英語作文:My Home Town

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