

2021-06-25 其他類英語作文


話題英語作文 篇1

  From now on,never spend your precious time thinking of reasons for your failures and shortcomings.Instead,realize that seeds of success were planted within you when you were born.Only you have the power to make those seeds grow.

  The seeds,and the power to grow them,are contained in the most awesome machine ever created:the human mind.Successis a choice and not a chance.You were born a winner.You were born rich.You can be a success if only you make the righy choice.

  You cannot be successful without first developing your self-esteem.Your level of self-esteem is always based on the degree of control that you are able toexercise over yourself,and thus over your life.People with low self-esteem are people who do not believe that they have any power,or responsibility for their lives.They are the perennial victims and martyrs.They are leaves tossed by the winds of chance blown about with any sudden change in the weather.

  You can exercise control ove your life only to the degree that you believe that you are responsible for everything that happens in your life.Failures think that everything happens by accident and chance.Successful people realize that they are responsible.

  Everything happens as a result of something.If we can identify the cause,we can control the effect.We are responsible for what we choose to think and believe.One generally rises th the level that one expects.We are responsible for setting our expectations.Our success is dependent upon ur level of confidence.

  If you associate with positive-thinking people,you are definitely going to achiece success.On the contrary,the opposite happens.We are responsible for finding,planting,and nurturing the seeds that contain future victory,born from setbacks.

  In short,in all areas of your life,whether they are financial,physics,emotional,or spiritual,your are responsible.Once you recognize this,accept it,and firmly believe it,you are on the road to success.

話題英語作文 篇2

  Over 70% of the Earth’s surface is water; water is obviously the most precious natural resource that exists on our planet. Without water, life on Earth would be non-existent. Water is the lifeblood of the environment, essential to the survival of all living things-plants, animals, and human. Although we recognize this fact, we disregard it by polluting our rivers, lakes, and streams. Afterward, we are slowly but surely harming our planet to the point where organisms are dying at a very alarming rate, and our drinking water has become greatly affected. In order to fight against water pollution, we must understand the problems and become part of the solution; we also need to do everything possible to maintain its quality for today and the future.The government alone cannot solve the entire problem; it’s up to us when it comes to the problems we face with our water. In your home, correctly dispose dangerous household products. Keep paints, used oil, cleaning solvents, pool chemicals, and other dangerous household chemicals out of drains, sinks, and toilets because many of these products contain harmful substances. In your yard, recycle used motor oil. Avoid pouring waste oil and resist the temptation to dump wastes onto the ground.These are just a few of the many ways in which we, as human have the ability to combat water pollution. If these measures are not taken and water pollution continues, life on Earth will suffer severely.

話題英語作文 篇3

  Do you often practice your English Writing? Why/ why not?

  Do you like helping others? Why/ why not? Do you like watching movies in your spare time? Why/ why not?

  Would you please say something about a place you have visited?

  Can you say something about your favorite teacher?

  What is the happiest thing in your life? Why?











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