According to legend, the spring and autumn period and the time of day, ChuZhao over the Yangtze river, wang see something floating on the river, and he lives recovered, a carefully look is a kind of white red can eat. In order to find out what it is, the king of ChuZhao Confucius went for advice. Confucius saw this after something floating on the water, said: "if this thing called duckweed fruit, who got it, suggests that the individual will be to revive the country." ChuZhao the king ordered the fifteenth day of a year, every household will boil the white inside the red lantern eat outside.
To one thousand people are still eating yuanxiao, to show people yearning for relatives. When the Lantern Festival, our family get together in my grandma together, chatting, such as father and mother cook the rice glue ball well, my cousin and cousin together hold up competing to eat the sweet and fragrant slippery tender after yuanxiao. Everyone again fanfare together watch TV, eat sugar, you joy.
Listen to grandma said, original yuanxiao is just put the brown sugar, white sugar and bean paste and so on ordinary materials. Now has been in use for some good black sesame seed, chocolate, fruit, etc. Its everything. Yuanxiao now compared to the original yuanxiao taste better, with higher nutritional value.
I particularly like our Chinese traditional festivals. Can eat the food not only, still can let me door reunion together, happily spent a happy holiday.
Lantern Festival has a lot of interesting activities, put wishing lamp, eat yuanxiao, belongs to the activities of the festival is over, it means the New Years day is over, we will be good work and to go to school, looking forward to the arrival of the New Year next year.
I wove a about the legend of the Lantern Festival, people listen to, I whether very will say story?
Legend in a long time ago, there is a place in the universe, a place called yuanxiao island, their biggest different places with us, is very love to eat dumplings, regardless of the early, middle and dinner to eat dumplings, it is interesting to note that the dumplings there are floating in the air, want to eat how many there are, eat until you support dead.
One day, there are two children s and o night, o had his eureka moment, give the kings dumplings, to take Fried, unexpectedly, after the king had said is very good.
From now on, all the people into eating Fried dumplings, and memory of yuanhe o night, o so named hang them on the day of the yuanxiao.
Have you ever eaten Fried dumplings? Give it a try! O the yuanhe flaring invention of food!
Yuanxiao, another climax of Spring Festival. The fifteenth day of the first decorated everywhere, the whole street is like the in-laws, the flourishing and lively, lively and beautiful. The famous shop all hang hundreds of shapes, greatly small lights. There are notable, rounded corner lamp, lotus flower lamp, red lanterns... In that day, my parents and I go to the Lantern Festival.
One into the street, he saw a crowded crowd; Smell the fragrance of the delicious food; Heard a loud noise. We "crawling" slowly, in the crowd for a while in the United States, only beautiful shape, manufacture fine lantern appeared in front of my eyes. My parents and I went into it, a variety of lanterns are painted on the "water margin", a dream of red mansions, romance of The Three Kingdoms, all of the story "journey to the west". And make me the deepest impression is notable.
Each horse lamp together seems to be energizes is very spectacular. Version is using the red paper. Before the horse hoof, the horse up, horsetail hang, like really. Lifelike, vivid, let a person see the admiration. Lights on the two generous male, two people sitting in the restaurant - the legs, hands holding a glass.
Then, I saw my favorite link - guess lantern riddles. I opened the paper bag out lantern riddle topic: adding water into the oceans it into vegetation of flowers. I touched his chin, frowning, chanting in the heart "into a sea of water, it become a grass flowers?" Is it "yes"? Not ah! Gal. Some water is not a word! I thought for a moment. Suddenly flashes, the emergence of a "every" words in mind, oh. "Every" plus three drops of water is the "sea", and "wood" is "mei"! Why didnt I think! I quote us answers loudly. This is really a magic, they rhyme!
In these festival, one of my favorite festival is the Lantern Festival, because this holiday only lifelike lanterns and people are thinking of lantern riddle.
Lantern Festival is one of four big festival in our country, after the Lantern Festival, the Spring Festival, and even had finished, so this day is very grand and lively. Ago, people mainly is to look at the lanterns and dragon dances, fireworks, now people can watch the fireworks also become one of the ways of celebration.
At 7 o clock in the evening, I will try so hard to call mom and dad took me to go to the workers stadium, heard that the whole to fireworks at 8 o clock. Walking in the street, see the road there are a lot of people like I want to see the fireworks, we just take a small family, very happy. Man is really much ah, packed.
At eight o clock arrived, only heard a few muffled voice, one by one the fireworks with red Mars on the sky, a few soup, night sky blossom a few beautiful flowers. They are of different shapes and colors, there are colorful all over the sky star, golden yellow dandelions, purple morning glory, red roses, pink rose, silver lily... And gorgeous.
As the frequent explosion, people exclaimed, in praise, in the dim light of night, people also slightly raise your face the change of color, also the happy smile, they dont like pieces of beautiful fireworks!
Life is so beautiful!
The Lantern Festival, folk custom has three: one, yuanxiao. Second, watching lanterns; 3, fireworks, today I say to you here.
Yuanxiao, there are many kinds of tastes: black sesame, blueberry, chocolate, etc., which I love to eat black sesame seed, skin slippery (ha ha, how so sound like soap? Bite filling came out, not to be so sweet death, also not so pale. The food is delicious. : hey...
We also went to see the lantern. Just into the gate square, you can see two high carried the head of the phoenix, our vendors neatly standing below, his mouth kept Shouting: "through pass by dont miss!" Go to the middle, they saw a large bowl and glaze color clear, really like the blue and white porcelain of Ming dynasty. The bottom of the bowl and there will be "catering" : scallions, chili, pepper and tomato. Bowl is in front of a small stage, the stage after eight long claws, commanding presence. Large bowl of the end of the three is the ice sculptures, all with classical style houses! Bowl on the left is an ox, tiger, Chinese zodiac sheep... Yi? Is this a mouse or a squirrel?
In the evening, we watched the fireworks. Oh! From iron square has been out two or three kilometers, this also proved a riddle: what is the worlds longest car car? A: a traffic jam. I am impatient, and mommy to get off. Fireworks are red, orange, yellow, green, purple, the most beautiful fireworks is also the biggest: bam, bam, bam, three golden fireworks, formed a golden tree, beautiful. And "golden waterfall", "color flower"...
This year, we gladly make the Lantern Festival.