

2021-08-19 朋友


  Since we hadn’t talked to each other for entirely a month, our friendship was at stake. Talking to him directly, even if from the bottom of my heart, seemed quite impossible! As a result, a small piece of paper with my wish that we could get along well as ever before was passed through another friend of mine. There was no response as what I guessed before. Knowing that there must be some change with Zhang Ling, I asked Wang Ping to hold a volleyball-like game with balloon in secret.

  Then, “unexpectedly”, we were divided into the same side. At the very beginning, he didn’t even give me one chance to touch the ball on purpose. However, when time was passing by, the desire to win the game and the lowest make inspired him to have more teamwork with me. The devotion to the game melted the iceberg finally. On the verge of breaking up, e became good friends again. And now, Zhang Ling is still wondering what made it so lucky that we were arranged into one side.


  We often say the phrase “Quarrels between friends are just sand of a desert.” Last Saturday, I met Zhang ling at the party. I believe he is my true friend who would not care much about the unpleasant quarrel we had. Actually, I almost forgot what we had quarreled for. I went in front of him and apologized for the quarrel. He smiled and said he was about to do the same thing. We both smiled. During the party, everyone was expected to write a card to his or her most loved one. I wrote “The flower of friendship will never wither.” On a card and gave it to Zhang Lin.

  Coincidentally, he wrote me a card back, saying “Friend like you gives me the other half of my life.” Afterwards, he told me it had multi-faceted meanings. Yes, I can guess them out. Friends are the ones that give you the most happiness, and at the same time the ones who you quarrel with the most but care the least.


  Never will I forget his never worse attitude towards me, nor will I forgive his mea words. Seated in the sofa, I stared at the TV screen with minds full of anger. Whenever I glanced at him, it felt as if he was glaring at me. Whenever I was talking to a friend, I couldn’t help noticing that he was in conversation too, proving that without me, he could have enjoyed a colorful life as before.

  This was more than I could bear. So I rushed out without saying good-bye to anyone. As soon as I slummed open the front door, a warm hand gently placed on my shoulder and turned around. A friendly face came into my sight. It was him! I couldn’t have been more ashamed of myself about my shallow that I nearly flushed myself down the toilet, nor could I say a single word. But it wasn’t important since we were friends again!


  I’ll talk to him in the name of preparing a birthday surprise for Wang Ping. I’ll advise him to sing birthday song to Wang Ping together with me, and I think he won’t decline my idea.

  And during the performance, I’ll try to express my regret of quarreling with him and apologize to him. In this situation, he will forgive me and we’ll continue to be friends!


  First, I sand a song for Wang Ping’s birthday and asked Zhang Ling to join me. Surely he agreed and we did a great job together.

  Then, when we started playing games, Zhang Ling and we were accidentally in the same group. Actually I had told the organizer to do so. During the game time, we had a perfect cooperation.

  And at last, after the happy party was finished, I apologized to him for the unhappy event last month. We became good friends again.











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