

2022-01-31 夢想

  We all have dreams in our life,fighting with our passion so badly.We are so busy doing our work or our study just like an top ,spin and spin ,and never stop.But after fighting so many years,we might still be where we have been or win and fail.I do not think that this result in the end matters.The most important part is the process of trying and fighting.But what we can do or what we need to do more or less is that we shall never regret what we have done,and then we have no choice but follow what is at next.We may have some failure and lots of weaking points which may stop us getting to the success,which we do not notice.It is this kind of difficult that make us have the target to fight for.But in the end,we overcome our difficulties and made it.I think the most important part which is worth of memorizing is the process of our fighting for our dreams no matter what the result is.What we need to do is just to try our best to make it and value these memories of fighting for our dreams together.











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