

2021-07-21 考試


  Will the second child policy force the career women return to family

  Good evening everyone. My name is from school of Maxism. It is my pleasure to join in this competition in this delightful evening. I appreciate the organizers for giving me this opportunity to stand here discussing the interesting topic. As you are watching “will the second child policy deprive our jobs?” is a fascinating question proposed by the feminists.

  Recently China government pronounces a new policy that endows the citizens right to have a second child. Abolishment of the single child policy also leads controversies.

  The anxiety of “women career crisis” actually comes from the nowadays career status which shows that it is more difficult for women to get a job compared with men because employers think the pregnancy will take much time. Therefore it is salient the feminist will have such worry when they will spend double time in giving birth of two kids. Besides feminists always deeply believe the second child policy is a kind of contempt on equality since the policy may treat women as “reproduction machine”.

  However the feminists’ worry enters a logic trap. They don’t treat “reproduction” as the basic human-being’s right and they actively abandon the basic right. It seems ridiculous some American feminists criticized the Chinese single child policy harshly before and nowadays they come to question the Chinese single child policy abolishment. It can be seen that there is no single word compelling women to have the second child in the policy. It only endows the people right not duty. Therefore the policy doesn’t invade the women willing so the anxiety of “career crisis” has no meaning.

  In all in my perspective there is no need to worry about whether the second child policy will deprive our job. Thank you for attending my speech.










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