
The Railway Station火車站

2021-09-08 高中作文

  When I am not in a hurry, I like to watch the other people there: some are well dressed and some are. not, some have many bags and some carry only one. Always you see many children of all ages; they also like to look at everyone and everything around them. Sometimes there are long lines of people at the ticket windows and at the entrance gates. It is interesting to watch the. people stand quietly in line and yet when the gates open they rush forward and squeeze themselves through the small gate in one big human wave.So many people are in a hurry to get through the gate and then stand in line again at the platform to board the train.When theArain arrives, the people rush forward again in large groups into the small doors of the train.

【The Railway Station(火車站)】相關(guān)文章:









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