

2020-12-27 致辭

  Weekly Address: Happy Thanksgiving from the Obama Family

  Washington, DC -- In this week's address, the President wished everyone a happyThanksgiving and reflected on the history of our country and its celebration ofdiversity. He gave thanks for the many Americans who sacrifice every day, fromvolunteer workers who serve their communities, to men and women in uniform whoserve us all. On Thanksgiving, a holiday that is uniquely American, he reminded usto focus on what unites -- our commitment to American ideals like justice andequality and our gratitude and love for our country.

  Remarks of President Barack Obama

  Weekly Address

  The White House

  November 27, 2014

  On behalf of the Obama family -- Michelle, Malia, Sasha, Bo, and Sunny -- I want to wish you a veryhappy Thanksgiving. Like many of you, we'll spend the day with family and friends, catching up,eating some good food and watching a little football. Before we lift a fork, we lend a hand by goingout in the community to serve some of our neighbors in need. And we give thanks for each other,and for all of God's blessings.

  Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because, more than any other, it is uniquely American. Each ofus brings our own traditions and cultures and recipes to the table -- but we all share this day,united by the gratitude for the bounty of this nation. And we welcome the contributions of allpeople -- no matter their origin or color or beliefs -- who call America home, and who enrich the lifeof our nation. It is a creed as old as our founding: "E pluribus unum" -- that our of many, we areone.

  We are reminded that this creed, and America itself, was never an inevitability, but the result ofordinary people in every generation doing their part to uphold our founding ideals -- by taking theblessings of freedom, and multiplying them for those who would follow. As President Kennedy oncewrote, even as we give thanks for all that we've inherited from those who came before us --

  "thedecency of purpose, steadfastness of resolve and strength of will, for the courage and the humility,which they posessed," we must also remember that "the highest appreciation is not to utter wordsbut to live by them."

  Today, we are grateful to all Americans who do their part to live by those ideals, including ourbrave men and women in uniform overseas and their families, who sacrifice so much to keepAmerica safe. To our service members who are away from home, we say an extra prayer for youand your loved ones, and we renew our commitment to take care of you as well as you've takencare of us.

  We are grateful to the countless Americans who serve their communities in soup kitchens andshelters, looking out for those who are less fortunate, and lifting up those who have fallen on hardtimes. This generosity, this compassion, this belief that we are each other's keepers, is essential towho we are, not just on this day, but every day.

  It's easy to focus on what separates us. But as we gather with loved ones on this Thanksgiving,let's remember and be grateful for what binds us together. Our love of country. Our commitmentto justice and equality. Our belief that America's best days are ahead, and that her destiny is oursto shape -- and that our inherited ideals must be the birthright of all of our children.

  That's what today is all about: that out of many, we are one. Thank you, God bless you, and frommy family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving.












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