

2022-01-19 高二年級英語作文


  狗狗與人的感情 The Relationship Between Dogs and Men

  Recently, the news reported a fireman was retired and he handed in an application for his dog, which had worked with him for more than eight years. The fireman wanted his “brother” to go home with him, because the dog had also came to his time for retirement. The story moves so many people, the relationship between animal and human being is always the most touching. Dogs are men’s loyal friends, their affection to master is pure and true. In the movie Hachi, the dog spends all his life to wait for the return of his master. Everybody can’t help tearing when they see this scene. The fireman and his dog had been a team for many years and they are families. There are so many stories like them, animal are our friends, the harmonious environment will be built if animals and human beings get well along.



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