

2021-08-07 高二年級英語作文

  Chinese First Spaceman

  When I was in high school, one day, my Chinese teacher was so excited to tell us that our country’s first spaceman had landed the space successfully. Hearing the news, all the students felt excited, too, we were so proud that we were Chinese, it meant that our country had stepped into the new stage. Chinese first spaceman was Yang Liwei, at that time, all the news was talking about him, they watched him flied to the space and then came back safely. I did not have the chance to witness the process, because I had class at that time, but I was thinking about it all the time. Now many years have passed, more and more Chinese spacemen have flied to the space successfully, every time I will feel very excited, I am so happy to see our country become stronger.





高三英語作文:中國第一個宇航員 Chinese First Spaceman02-25




英語作文:我的夢想(宇航員) My Dream(astronaut)12-06



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