

2021-08-08 讀書筆記



  本書原文由古希臘文而作,英文版選擇比較權(quán)威的George Long的版本,中文版選擇何懷宏的版本作參考。筆記中的英文釋義摘自《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》


  馬可奧勒留(Marcus Aurelius,公元121—180年),著名的“帝王哲學(xué)家”,古羅馬帝國皇帝,在希臘文學(xué)和拉丁文學(xué)、修辭、哲學(xué)、法律、繪畫方面受過很好的教育,晚期斯多葛學(xué)派代表人物之一。奧勒留也許是西方歷史上唯一的一位哲學(xué)家皇帝。他是一個(gè)比他的帝國更加完美的人,他的勤奮工作最終并沒有能夠挽救古羅馬,但是他的《沉思錄》卻成為西方歷史上的偉大名著。


  6.11Consider how many things in the same indivisible time take place in each of us, things which concern the body and things which concern the soul: and so thou wilt not wonder if many more things, or rather all things which come into existence in that which is the one and all, which we call Cosmos, exist in it at the same time.

  6.12If any man should propose to thee the question, how the name Antoninus is written, wouldst thou with a straining of the voice utter each letter? What then if they grow angry, wilt thou be angry too? Wilt thou not go on with composure and number every letter? just so then in this life also remember that every duty is made up of certain parts. These it is thy duty to observe and without being disturbed or showing anger towards those who are angry with thee to go on thy way and finish that which is set before thee.

  6.13How cruel it is not to allow men to strive after the things which appear to them to be suitable to their nature and profitable! And yet in a manner thou dost not allow them to do this, when thou art vexed because they do wrong. For they are certainly moved towards things because they suppose them to be suitable to their nature and profitable to them.- But it is not so.- Teach them then, and show them without being angry.

  6.14Death is a cessation of the impressions through the senses, and of the pulling of the strings which move the appetites, and of the discursive movements of the thoughts, and of the service to the flesh.


















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