

2022-02-02 動(dòng)物類(lèi)英語(yǔ)作文

  The monkey also called marmosets, and its name, the aye-aye only roughly the size of a finger. Refers to the monkey around 10-12 cm tall, weighs about 80-80 grams. The largest but also 35 centimeters. Its tail is long and fluffy, generally up to 20-35 cm, like a small broom.

  Monkeys like to live in the rainforest, hiding in the nest to sleep during the day and night activities alone or in pairs. So how the aye-aye foraging? At night, with the frequent "alas alas," cries, secretive refers to the monkey out, hunting tree of worm is refers to the monkey handy trick, start, walking along the trunk, gently tip close to the bark, when they hear or smell anything, then stop and sparkling view, which in turn was violently dig bite bark, with his unique fingers dig eggs in the trunk, until to dig out the hidden grubs, and then, out of his fingers, fill in the entry grubs squashed. The aye-aye mainly in a variety of fruits, nuts and insects. Due to monkey likes to eat eggs on the bark or dead, larvae, and small beetles, its eating habits, much like the trees doctors - woodpecker, so have the effect of the woodpecker. So close to the island of Madagascar on the African continent have a woodpecker, here was replaced by a monkey.

  Mother marmoset pregnancy for 140 ~ 150 days, every child 1 ~ 3. Marmosets family, male marmosets plays the role of "good husband good father". Female marmosets, after giving birth to children only embrace when feeding them for a while and take care of children work all fell upon the male marmosets. Males marmosets as little marmoset clean themselves, by the time the little marmoset no longer eat milk, it will be personally feeding the kids eat

  Now marmoset habitat reduction, degradation and human hunting is the main factor to the dangerous animals. Because the monkey evolution so far still with original appearance and characteristics of life, so is very scarce. Marmosets throughout the monkeys in the family, only a dozen in all over the world. Many Malagasy believe that monkeys will bring them bad luck. If you see a refers to the monkey, they will kill it at once. On the other hand, refers to the monkeys live in the rainforest has been cut down, so they also face the danger of extinction. Let us act together, to protect endangered animals.















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