
動(dòng)物英語(yǔ)作文:My favorute animals

2022-02-01 動(dòng)物類(lèi)英語(yǔ)作文

  My favorut animals

  My favorit animals are swans.Thy ar whit.Thy can swim vry wll.I think thy look lik a bautiful girl in a whit drss.Thy hav a pair of wings and thy can also fly wll.I bliv thy ar angls from th sky.Thy bring us lov and mak us happy.Thy ar always frindly to us.W can't hurt thm,bcaus thy ar our frind.I lov thm!I lik dogs,too.Thy ar not bautiful,but thy ar th bst frinds.Thy kp th thivs away.Dogs hav th bst listning and ys.Thy can har in th nosiy,s in th dark.If w ar in dangr,thy will hlp us at onc.And thy don't mind thir livs.So,I lov them

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