

2021-08-22 詞語


  1. Use first person pronoun as subject:

  I, We

  2. Use verbs with first person subject:

  advocate, believe, feel, know, mean, think, understand

  3. Use personalized expressions:

  it seems to me, it appears, from my point of view, in my view, in my opinion

  4. Use attitudinal signals such as:

  assuredly, certainly, definitely, indisputably, undeniably, undoubtedly, unquestionably

  clearly, obviously, plainly

  fortunately, unfortunately, unhappily


  rightly, wrongly

  5. Use verbs like should, must, ought to

  Ways of hedging or avoiding commitment

  Avoid using first person pronouns

  6. Use impersonal subjects, such as it

  7. Use passive voice so as to avoid specifying an agent or doer such as:

  It can be imagined that ...

  Large numbers of foreign students have been admitted ...

  8. Use verbs such as:

  hear, guess, imagine, suggest, suppose

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