

2021-10-12 初中作文


  The boy students in our class were preparing to run for monitor. Hearing the news, we girls were full of iaterest and curiosity. We were in bigh spirits and went to listen to their competltive speech. We decided to put our sacred vote to the most suitable person after careful consideration.

  The first one who stood up to speak was Yin Xing, who was very active in physical and recreational activities. He pledged to enrich our school life by leading us in singing and dancing and playing games.

  The second speaker was Tong Sheng, who was smart and ceonomical and good at planning, He said be would arrange fox our budget in class activities.

  The speeches went on. My eyes fell on Jiang Xin, who sat in a corner, listening attentively. That boy was quiet and always readyto help others in their studies. He could play basketball and dance gracefully. I asked him why he did not run for monitor. He said he was no good. Hearing us talking, someone shouted,"Jiang Xin, why not join in and run for monitor?" Jiang Xin stood up. embarrassed,"I am no good. If anyone is in need of me, I am ready to help. That's all."

  The time had come for us to count the votes. And to my delight ,Jiang Xin received the most votes and was elected monitor.










上一篇:寫聆聽的初中作文 下一篇:初中道歉作文
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