

2021-09-28 成功


  There is no doubt that everyone wants to be successful, but the point is how to achieve success. In my opinion, Lincoln’s remark “give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four hours sharpening the axe” perfectly answers the question. That is to say, one should make preparations beforehand.

  First, you should persist in learning. Only in that way can you keep up with the changing society. If you give up studying while taking a job, you will find yourself replaced by younger people in a couple of years. Knowledge will do you a good return even as a means of subsistence. Charles Darwin has managed to squeeze one hour a day for study. But how remarkable he has been!

  Second, you should put what you have learned into practice. A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. People who act their words immediately can actually hold the opportunity and turn the possibility of success into real achievement instead of looking at success slip away just for inability of executive force.

  Preparation is the casting mould of success. So if you are fully prepared, success is watching eagerly to see you just around the corner.










上一篇:成功就在失敗的對面 下一篇:不敢去闖,豈能成功?
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