

2021-08-23 保護環(huán)境



  The fast-developing cities' severe environmental imbalance constructs the high demands of productivity and low demands of living standards of the daily lives. The butterfly effect is the main approach towards the promotion of environmental protection. It's inefficient when only one person who's acting on protecting the environment, but if one starts the others would follow. Teaching environmental protection in early age is also crucial since the inconsideration of pursuing short-term interest not only set the milestone for the public hazard, but also the destruction of our planet. Moreover, the environmental protection should be the priority for the future of all countries, for good standard of living starts by embracing the ecological balance of the nature.


  As an engineering student majoring in environmental systems, I have strong awareness of the environment and want to work in the field of environmental protection. There are three feasible ways, in my opinion, which can raise public awareness of our surrounding environment. Firstly, the appropriate education in schools can be applied to build our concept on the importance of environment and it should be taken good care. Secondly, more and more green or environmental promotions should be carried out. For example, use public transportation more frequently instead of private vehicles; print double-sided instead of one-sided to save papers. Furthermore, researches on clean energy and sustainable development should be enhanced. The natural resources on earth is not infinite and we should seek for a better method to protect our circumstance in the long run.











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