

2020-11-25 自薦信


  I am an ordinary graduate from Hangzhou No. 2 Middle School where I pursued my dream. 3 years ago, I entered this school with exciting feelings, and so it is with HongKong University (HKU) today. Many people considered the mainland high school students three-year schooltime to be lack of community and social practices, ordinary, full of defects and examinations. However, there I have learnt that distinction comes after ordinary, that one should acknowledge others shining points. Self-control, willpower, execution and tolerance constitute the greatest wealth my high school bestowed to me.

  I advocate HongKongs inherent Chinese and Western culture, feeling uneasy but also longing for the culture shock. I long for a difference, all differences in the world cannot stuff one 18-year- old boys dream,. I long for the identity of blood and culture after HongKong returned. I always dream that HKU could become a bridge between me and the world.

  I am upholding my ideal and willing to enrich myself in the common life. Now, I believe, it is time for changing: from ordinary to distinction.

  I hope the HKU can witness it with her knowledge and culture.

  One or two decades ago, many people determined: "Studying for the motherlands rise." Unfortunately, such voice gradually faded away. Apart from my interest and advantage in the mathematical aspects as a liberal arts student, I want to study the geoscience (GIS) to meet the nations needs to a large extent. It may sound unrealistic. But no matter which major is the final determination (like psychology, literature, or minority languages), I firmly believe that human values and happiness lie not in money and power, but in benefiting more people by using knowledges.

  The future is always changing, especially youth. No matter what the future holds , I hope to have my prime time in HKU.

  I think we need a face-to face interview to know about each other.











上一篇:南開大學(xué)自主招生自薦信 下一篇:北京航空航天大學(xué)自主招生自薦信
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