

2021-06-16 經(jīng)典美文


  When Yvette Beauchamp got a call from an agent late last year asking her to model in a bridal fashion show, she excitedly told her fiancé, Ric Feinberg. The show paid well and would even be seen on cable television.

  國際在線報道:伊薇特·比徹姆今年39歲,是一位減肥鍛煉器材的示范模特,同時也為電視購物節(jié)目里的產(chǎn)品展示作模特。 去年年底,比徹姆接到一個模特代理公司打來的電話,說想請她擔(dān)任一場婚紗時裝表演的模特,并承諾報酬豐厚,且會在有線電視上轉(zhuǎn)播。伊薇特欣然接受了這個邀請,并激動地把這個消息告訴了她的未婚夫。

  披上婚紗 仍被蒙在鼓里

  今年1月22日,當(dāng)伊薇特身著象牙色的Oleg Cassini(美國高級時裝品牌)禮服、頭披白紗,隨著顫動人心的婚禮進行曲步入甬道的時候,她還不知道自己是真正的新娘。在她身后的兩名女子也身著婚紗在音樂聲中行進,所以她以為自己只是在進行時裝表演。由于一心想著表演,她也沒注意到一個極不尋常的情況:觀眾們都穿著正式的禮服。當(dāng)看到她的母親和父親也在場時,她還是沒有猜到這是她的婚禮。




  曲折的戀情 浪漫的求婚










  婚禮當(dāng)天的晚上,伊薇特把范伯格 “拷問”到深夜3點鐘。最后,伊薇特知道了秘密計劃里的所有細節(jié)。她說:“我不可能有比這更好的婚禮了!” When Yvette Beauchamp got a call from an agent late last year asking her to model in a bridal fashion show, she excitedly told her fiancé, Ric Feinberg. The show paid well and would even be seen on cable television.

  What Ms. Beauchamp didn"t know was that she had just been booked for her own wedding.

  On Jan. 22, when Ms. Beauchamp stepped out on the runway to throbbing dance music in an ivory halter dress by Oleg Cassini, she said she still had not figured out that she was to be a real-life bride. After all, two other women were also parading in bridal gowns. "I was just hamming it up for the cameras," explained Ms. Beauchamp, a 39-year-old brunette with a giant smile whose work as a fitness model includes demonstrating exercise equipment on televised shopping shows.

  In her zeal, she said, she failed to notice that the unusually boisterous audience was in formal wear and included her mother, Gloria Beauchamp, and Mr. Feinberg"s father, Dr. Sidney Feinberg, who had brought along his Yorkie clad in a tiny tuxedo jacket.

  "Maybe if it was my birthday I would have guessed something was going on," Ms. Beauchamp said, maintaining she was clueless. "I mean, who would ever think of a surprise wedding?"

  Mr. Feinberg, a 44-year-old lawyer in Tampa, Fla., whom friends describe as either creative or crazy, in equally admiring tones, got the idea while watching a fashion show on television. Some of Mr. Feinberg"s friends said they envied his courage but thought planning a secret wedding rather stressful. Several women told him they would kill their boyfriends if greeted by a surprise ceremony.

  "Yvette likes surprises," Mr. Feinberg said. "She"s the kind of person who loves it when someone asks their girlfriend to marry them on the Jumbotron at a hockey game."

  The couple met in fall 2002 and started dating about six months later. "I probably asked her to marry me 60 times," said Mr. Feinberg, whose first marriage ended in divorce. "Initially it didn"t strike her that I was going to be the man she"d be with the rest of her life." At one point she agreed to live with him, but then broke it off altogether. "I just didn"t want to rush into anything," said Ms. Beauchamp, a veteran of two divorces.

  But larger forces seemed to take hold. First Ms. Beauchamp discovered she was pregnant. At that, the couple reunited. Eight months later she surprised Mr. Feinberg again with a cardboard sign on which she had written "Will you marry us?"

  "I said "absolutely," " Mr. Feinberg recalled.

  Their daughter, Sydney Marie, was born a year ago, and in December the family moved into a house by the water in St. Petersburg, Fla. - whereupon Ms. Beauchamp discovered she was pregnant again.

  By then Mr. Feinberg"s secret plan was unfolding, so when Ms. Beauchamp asked about setting a date he was evasive. Finally he agreed to a March ceremony in their yard, and then took her to Tampa, where they applied for a wedding license.

  Mr. Feinberg had meanwhile enlisted Ms. Beauchamp"s best friend, Nora Guenther, who is also a model. Both knew that the fashion show had to appear genuine, so Ms. Guenther contacted the producers of a Learning Channel show that features weddings. Mr. Feinberg then persuaded the David"s Bridal store where he had bought the wedding gown to orchestrate a fashion show, with dresses on loan to other models.

  Mr. Feinberg settled on the National Hotel in Miami for the event, and hired caterers and a makeup artist. He sealed the deal by asking a modeling agency in Orlando to "hire" Ms. Beauchamp. Then he quietly invited about 50 friends and relatives, including the bride"s father, Hector Beauchamp, who flew in from Honduras.

  While guests gathered inside the hotel, the penthouse suite was transformed into a dressing area for Ms. Beauchamp and other models, who were really obliging friends of Ms. Guenther"s. The plot thickened when Ms. Beauchamp showed up with her own makeup artist, provoking whispered debate over whether she was in on the plan or just a diva.

  At last, with guests in their seats, it was time for Ms. Beauchamp"s aha! moment. As she moved down the runway, she encountered a man facing away from her who looked to be posing as the father of the bride. She grabbed his arm from behind.

  That man was no model, but she was halfway down the runway before she realized it was her father. "I was so focused on the show, and on what I was supposed to be doing," she said later.

  Between screams she made her way to Mr. Feinberg and their daughter, gathered with Patrick Smith, the bridegroom"s best friend.

  "We"re going to get married right now," Mr. Feinberg told Ms. Beauchamp, who seemed stunned and pleased as Mr. Smith, a Florida notary, officiated.

  That night, the new Mrs. Feinberg grilled her husband until 3 a.m. "Once I knew, I started putting things together that people had said and done," she said. "All those lies!"

  "I couldn"t have had a better wedding," she added, laughing. "But I told Ric I"m still waiting for my check for the fashion show."











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