Dear x,
I am choosing geography for one main reason and this reason has manysubdividing links. I want to continue to study geography at higher educationbecause I find it interesting. I enjoy this subject because of its content andthe way in which it overlaps with so many other subjects. This therefore makesgeography a very useful subject and one I am very keen to continue to understandand develop. Because geography overlaps with many other subjects and that thecourse encompasses many techniques and skills I find it as being a very usefultool in the future workplace. I enjoy finding out how and most importantly why.If this includes why is such business parks situated on suburban fringes to whydoes the global distribution of earthquakes effect human activates in thatparticular area. I believe geography will develop my analytical skills which isimportant because I want to become an intelligence officer in the armed forces.I also like travelling and my knowledge and techniques have helped me explainmany things like reasons for terraced farming in areas of Maltaandinfrastructure in Florida. I teacher once said to me in secondary school
‘travel, and your start to notice things around you and your be able tounderstand what and why are certain things there’
I am currently studying A2 geography and biology. This is also accompaniedby AS physical education and an AS physics which I completed in my first year. Iam enjoying my courses this year because I find the content relatively easy todigest as opposed to physics last year. I found this subject fairly challenginglast year because the content comprised itself mainly of numbers, figures,theories and set equations which where some what difficult to interpret. Asopposed to the courses iamdoing this year where I find the content easier toconsume because I can relate it to visual situations. I enjoyed parts of thecourse last year because there where noticeable links between the subjects. Forinstants geography and biology cross over more than once during the year. I havedeveloped new skills such as my oral and working with others on coursework As Inoted above my aspirations for the future lay within the armed forces. I need tohave well developed analytical skills as well as good oral skills. Part of beingan intelligence officers is being able to annotate pictures and many othersources of data i.e. infra red
Studying geography will help me develop these skills to a standard wellrecognised in my chosen field of profession. I’m also looking to travel in thefuture and my knowledge of geography will help me understand the places I visitin much more detail
I have had one experience in paid employment and one work experienceplacement. During my work experience I worked at H+S aviation. This is a companythat repairs helicopters and light aircraft. During my time here I experiencedthe importance of meeting deadlines as these engines where urgently needed forthe customer. I also established working with a team and co operating with manydepartments. One important skill I learned is attention to detail/ this was veryimportant because the slightest of inaccuracy could cause the aircraft engine tomalfunction causing death to the customer. During my paid employment I worked ata café in ASDA. I learned many important lessons here like health and safetyalong with food hygiene. I also exercised working in a busy environment and goodcommunication and team skills were necessary to achieve the goals. I feel thatmany of the skills I have learnt are relevant not just to geography but life inits self. Team skills may be put to good use in a fieldwork situation as well asmeeting deadlines and attention to detail. These all figure in some aspect ofthe course and university life in general
I enjoy sporting activities a lot and they are important in social wellbeing. I enjoy playing golf and especially football. I have reached semiprofessional for Fareham town where I scored the winning goal on my debut atthis level, being only the third player to ever to do this. I have also hadtrials with the major south coast professional sides such as Portsmouth,Southampton and Bournemouth. I enjoy leisure activities such as fishing andcamping and I go away regularly in the summer to carry out these activities
I also enjoy socialising with friends at the weekends but football usuallytakes precedence over socialising. There are specific areas around the citywhere these can be exercised together. I enjoy spending time with my family,either going out for the evening, spending the weekend camping and fishing orjust play football or golf.
Yours sincerely,