

2021-10-12 申請書


Dear X,

  For as long as I can remember it has been my fondest dream and my furthestgoal to attend college.From the beginning,I knew it would be an uphill climbto gain admission into a prestigious university.I have worked long and hard toget good grades in order for me to attend a university.I was finally admittedto the University of California Riverside.If I graduate from college I will bethe first in my family.But,lately I have realized that I cannot reach mydreams alone; I would need financial assistance.My father was laid off from hisjob four months ago and my mother is unemployed.We're barely able to make ourhousing payments,utility and insurance bills.And if that weren't enough schooltuition has dramatically gone up.I also have two other brothers who have toattend a university,but my family can't afford it.I need assistancefinancially.By being a recipient of a scholarship from Riverside CommunityCollege I will be able to alleviate this need,and possibly be the first memberin my family to graduate from college.

  Through much research and self-analysis I have decided that I would pursuea career in International Business.This field offers competitive salary tocollege grads,gives a chance to travel to different parts of the world,and isalso a competitive field in today's continually globalizing economy,which hascaused a demand for those with international expertise.After receiving myBachelor's degree in Business Administration at the University of CaliforniaRiverside,I plan to continue my education until I receive a Masters andDoctorate degree in International Marketing.

  I decided that a career in International Business is for me because I havetraveled to many foreign countries throughout my life and have excelled inforeign languages.I have a solid background in the English and Spanishlanguages and I also know a little of Italian.

  Being Bolivian and living in the United States has given me an interesting,well rounded outlook on the world.I am a blend of two opposing lifestyles,andmy thoughts,ideas,and actions reflect this blend.I have a thorough knowledgeof the American and Spanish cultural lifestyles which I believe would be of anadvantage to me when I pursue a career in international marketing.I am also inthe process of gaining business knowledge and experience by working and runningmy parent's family shoe store.I take care of the bookkeeping,retail sales,andthe ordering and purchasing of merchandise.But with the recent economicdownturn it has been very difficult to maintain the business in a profit gain.Although our business is not doing well it is giving me a chance to see if I amcapable of handling a business during a challenging situation by using apowerful business strategy: consumer focused marketing.

  Therefore,my ultimate career aspiration is to become a successfulexecutive in an international company playing a leadership role in customerfocused marketing.As an international businesswoman I would be employed by aspecific company,one in which would be in the need for an individual withforeign language and business skills.Chances are I would frequently travelbetween countries,and conduct business with officials of the foreign country inwhich we are doing business.

  I would need to possess a well-rounded business knowledge that includesexpertise in finance,marketing,and personnel management.I hope to gain thisknowledge by studying at a University.Also,while still attending classes atthe University,I hope to study abroad for a semester,in the process immersingmyself in another culture,and deepening my personal and academic understandingof International Business

  After studying abroad and receiving my degree,I would like to volunteer towork for a non-profit organization.Then after gaining business knowledge andmost importantly business experience,I will enter the exciting internationalcorporate world.In the long-run,I envision for myself a career straddling thehighest levels of international business as a corporate leader.I am confidentthat my determination,perseverance and tenacity will lead me to the successfulachievement of this personal vision.

  Yours sincerely,











上一篇:酒店在職員工辭職申請書 下一篇:銷售人員離職書面申請書怎么寫


2021-10-12 申請書


Dear X,

  For as long as I can remember it has been my fondest dream and my furthestgoal to attend college.From the beginning,I knew it would be an uphill climbto gain admission into a prestigious university.I have worked long and hard toget good grades in order for me to attend a university.I was finally admittedto the University of California Riverside.If I graduate from college I will bethe first in my family.But,lately I have realized that I cannot reach mydreams alone; I would need financial assistance.My father was laid off from hisjob four months ago and my mother is unemployed.We're barely able to make ourhousing payments,utility and insurance bills.And if that weren't enough schooltuition has dramatically gone up.I also have two other brothers who have toattend a university,but my family can't afford it.I need assistancefinancially.By being a recipient of a scholarship from Riverside CommunityCollege I will be able to alleviate this need,and possibly be the first memberin my family to graduate from college.

  Through much research and self-analysis I have decided that I would pursuea career in International Business.This field offers competitive salary tocollege grads,gives a chance to travel to different parts of the world,and isalso a competitive field in today's continually globalizing economy,which hascaused a demand for those with international expertise.After receiving myBachelor's degree in Business Administration at the University of CaliforniaRiverside,I plan to continue my education until I receive a Masters andDoctorate degree in International Marketing.

  I decided that a career in International Business is for me because I havetraveled to many foreign countries throughout my life and have excelled inforeign languages.I have a solid background in the English and Spanishlanguages and I also know a little of Italian.

  Being Bolivian and living in the United States has given me an interesting,well rounded outlook on the world.I am a blend of two opposing lifestyles,andmy thoughts,ideas,and actions reflect this blend.I have a thorough knowledgeof the American and Spanish cultural lifestyles which I believe would be of anadvantage to me when I pursue a career in international marketing.I am also inthe process of gaining business knowledge and experience by working and runningmy parent's family shoe store.I take care of the bookkeeping,retail sales,andthe ordering and purchasing of merchandise.But with the recent economicdownturn it has been very difficult to maintain the business in a profit gain.Although our business is not doing well it is giving me a chance to see if I amcapable of handling a business during a challenging situation by using apowerful business strategy: consumer focused marketing.

  Therefore,my ultimate career aspiration is to become a successfulexecutive in an international company playing a leadership role in customerfocused marketing.As an international businesswoman I would be employed by aspecific company,one in which would be in the need for an individual withforeign language and business skills.Chances are I would frequently travelbetween countries,and conduct business with officials of the foreign country inwhich we are doing business.

  I would need to possess a well-rounded business knowledge that includesexpertise in finance,marketing,and personnel management.I hope to gain thisknowledge by studying at a University.Also,while still attending classes atthe University,I hope to study abroad for a semester,in the process immersingmyself in another culture,and deepening my personal and academic understandingof International Business

  After studying abroad and receiving my degree,I would like to volunteer towork for a non-profit organization.Then after gaining business knowledge andmost importantly business experience,I will enter the exciting internationalcorporate world.In the long-run,I envision for myself a career straddling thehighest levels of international business as a corporate leader.I am confidentthat my determination,perseverance and tenacity will lead me to the successfulachievement of this personal vision.

  Yours sincerely,











上一篇:酒店在職員工辭職申請書 下一篇:銷售人員離職書面申請書怎么寫
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