



  It is my honour to be the President in this, the 25th Anniversary year of the establishment of the International Family Day

  Care Organisation, since the fi rst Conference in Wales in 1987. Refl ecting on a quarter century of linking family childcare

  across the world, the theme of the conference is celebratory –

  “Celebrating Quality Family Childcare”

  IFDCO is a worldwide network of people involved as providers, researchers, advocates and support workers who wish to

  promote family childcare and particularly to promote research, so as to underpin and promote quality care and evidencebased

  best practice. Communication has been a very diffi cult task for those who worked on the International Executive

  Committee through the years and whom I would like to honour and thank for their generous commitment. My task has

  been made considerably easier by e-communication.

  I would particularly like to thank those national and state family childcare organisations in the UK, Europe, USA, Australia

  and New Zealand who afforded me and members of the International Executive Committee the opportunity to promote

  IFDCO at their conferences and in their publications.

  From the formation of the National Childminding Association of Ireland, now Childminding Ireland, membership of IFDCO

  has been an important inspiration and source of information. Attending the IFDCO International meetings and conferences,

  generously hosted by national organisations in the UK, Europe, America, Australia and New Zealand brought home,

  (literally), the message that worldwide family childcare is the largest sub-sector and the family home has the capacity to

  provide the highest quality childcare – when the FCC Provider (or the Childminder in UK and Irish terminology,) has the

  diverse qualities and skills required and is supported with training and networking opportunities.

  I welcome you to Ireland to attend this focussed conference and also thank those diverse experts who will present

  keynote addresses and seminars. It will be a wonderful week and I look forward to meeting again all you inspiring

  individuals concerned with providing or promoting family childcare so that we can celebrate Quality Family Childcare

  together in the magnifi cent setting of University College, Cork, Ireland.

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